Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer goals

I'm a little late (better late than never!), but I'm collecting a list of my Mommy-and-May goals for this summer. Though it's gonna be a short one (boo on you, Chemistry!), I am determined to fit it all in. I'm not saying I'm Supermom, I'm just saying that Supermom and I have never been seen in the same room.

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  • Montour preserve (flat land hikes are easier on both mama and child)
  • Creek studies, 'cause little creatures are COOL. And even cooler when they live in the water.
  • Yoga for kids, partially because I know it's good for kids' brain development/health, and mostly because I want to buy this adorable little yoga mat.
  • Bike rides with the child trailer. Yeah, I don't know what that thing is really called.
  • Ballet lessons. This is happening because we're signing her up for classes tonight!
  • Swimming lessons, continued.
  • BEACH! (next week!!!) and hopefully the aquarium because that's all May has been talking about for weeks.
  • Library visits (I guess I should pay for that book that I lost....)
My own personal goals include cooking more and whining less (not about cooking, just in general). I also hope to read more. If you're interested in the things I've been reading lately, you should checkout my handy book review website. I made that for one of my classes. While you're at it, you should scroll over the images of the books because it took me hours to figure out that jQuery effect. Which reminds me, my actual biggest goal for the summer is to finish my own personal website. I'm almost there. I did have something started but I hated it. So I started from scratch and should be done soon.

That's about it in the life of me.

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If you're seeking help

It always takes a lot of back and forth in my head before I finally work up the courage to post these things. Because we say, "end the ...