Monday, December 16, 2013

Ho, ho, ho!

I can't believe it has been almost 4 months since the last time I blogged. Shame on me. The semester has come and gone and, even though I whined about it a ton during Finals Week, it went super fast.

I'm a senior now. And I can't believe it! Granted, I feel like I have been in school eternally, but ever since May was born, time goes much too fast.

It's my favorite time of the year.. although, I wish Christmas could be in the summer and/or we lived in Florida, because I don't-need-no-snow to be in the holiday spirit. I'm pretty bummed that it came so fast and that I had to waste so much time doing end-of-the-semester projects, however, I am DETERMINED to pack a whole lot of holiday fun into the next 9 days. Just me and May, baby. And, on his days off, Jason too!

It's a bummer that I am the poorest I have ever been in the history of ever. But that's not going to get in my way. We're gonna do cheap, fun holiday things. I'll let you know how it turns out.

My plans:
  • Cookies
  • Gingerbread houses?
  • Be more creative with Noel, our Elf on the Shelf
  • Candy Cane Lane drive
  • Decorate the tree
  • Pinterest crafts
  • Wine
  • Watch Elf
  • Watch Miracle on 34th Street if I can find it at any store, anywhere!!!
  • Prepare for Maylene's Monster's University/Inc. themed 3rd birthday party 2 days after Christmas! (She just HAD to be a Christmas baby...)
  • This is totally unrelated to anything holiday-ish, but we also really wanna go to that new glow-in-the-dark mini golf place at the mall!!!!?!!!

Just wanna mention that the only things on my Christmas list are 1.) the Frozen soundtrack and 2.) internet at my house. I would like to point out that I have been moderately good this year and that it is kind of a miracle that I, as a web development major, have made it this far without, well, the web. However, it's not really fun or ideal so getting internet would be fabulous.


  1. You should made a giant paper ring chain for garland :D or extra cheeeeaaappp

    1. i don't know what i am just now seeing these comments, but i didnt want to feel ignored. because i am very happy someone commented! and i was going to make a paper chain garland but we never did :(

  2. Sam and I have often wondered how you are able to get through classes without Internet at your house. Here's hoping that holiday miracle works itself out!

    How am I just now hearing about this glow in the dark mini golfing place? If i had any money at all, i'd be all over that.

    1. I am so slow with technology...I am just seeing this comment now. But your good luck must have helped since we now have the interwebz at our house! Thanks! Aaaand if you get this job at the library then we should totes go to glow golf together!!!


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It always takes a lot of back and forth in my head before I finally work up the courage to post these things. Because we say, "end the ...