Thursday, May 23, 2013

Peanut Butter Chicken

Yesterday, Maylene told me she was going to make supper:
May: "Mommy, I cook dinner for you!"
Me: "Oh yeah, whatcha making?"
May: "Chicken."
Me: "What kind of chicken?"
May: "Peanut butter chicken just for you!"
She knows me too well--combining two of my favorite things! Growing up, I actually did have friends who made a peanut butter chicken recipe all the time. Gonna have to look that up!

I had a pretty rough afternoon yesterday. May didn't take a nap and let's just sum it up by saying that she literally ran to the other side of Wal-Mart while screaming bloody murder. Then, when she threw a fit because she didn't want to sit in the cart as we were checking out, a stranger behind me in line loudly told another woman, "I just hate when people let their kids cry!" If only you knew, lady!
Anyway, I couldn't help but giggle when we were on our way home and I looked in the rear view and saw a sleeping Maylene, with her sunglasses on upside down.

Later, we were driving in the car again. Chatting and what not. I didn't realize that 'I Love It' by Icona Pop was playing quietly on the radio, but Maylene did because she said, "Mommy, she drive her car into a bridge and she don't care. She don't even care!" She was very concerned.
Looks like we'll be listening to Mozart and Singing in the Rain show tunes from now on...

Last evening, we went for a four mile walk on the Riverwalk with Emily. Go us, right?! It was perfect right by the river, nice and breezy. So, Em asked May if she likes any boys yet and May responded, "I not allowed to like boys!" Good answer, missy! She IS learning something from me.

1 comment:

  1. Strangers are a pain in the ass, aren't they? Like mind your own business lady...she's obviously never had kids. Sometimes you just gotta let them cry!


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