Thursday, May 30, 2013

Things I'm Thankful For:

This week has been tough.. it's funny how preparing for relaxation (next week is vacation!) can be so overwhelmingly stressful! I read somewhere that to keep a positive outlook (PMA!), you should write down five things that you are thankful for everyday. Instead of five, I'm just going to make a big ol' list today, because I have tons to be thankful for!

In no particular order:
  • This weather! Love the heat, heat, heat! Thank the LAWD for no more cold!
  • Caramel vanilla cream k-cups.
  • Having Fridays off at work.
  • Our special boat trip on the Hiawatha tonight--excited! Hope May loves it! Also hoping that we don't get sea sick.
  • The fact that Maylene got ready for school with no problems this morning,
  • The fact that Jason did the laundry AND the dishes! And we're almost all caught up!
  • My manicure and pedicure appointment for tomorrow. First time ever getting one, thanks to Jason's Mothers' Day gift! I can't wait to see my best friend Bethie! And to get a little pampered.
  • Having my own desk at work.
  • New tires on my car. It is no longer a death trap.
  • Tumblr. It gets me through the slow work hours.
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events. They also get me through the slow work hours.
  • I lost 12 pounds!
  • Coffee.
  • Iced coffee.
  • Water.
  • Boom boom sauce.
  • Jason, for being very good at pretending that I am not completely insane.
  • Maylene, for literally being the funniest and most sarcastic 2 year old I have ever known.
  • Garlic powder.
  • My Mom.
  • My Dad.
  • My family.
  • My working car.
  • My job.
  • The big tub of strawberries in our fridge.
  • The Great Gatsby soundtrack.
  • The fact that we're leaving for North Carolina in two days.
  • My health.
  • My family.
  • My family.
  • My friends who have always been there for me no matter what.
  • Books.
  • Instagram.
  • Inspiration.
  • My semi-decent tan. Hoping it will keep me from getting burnt at the beach.
  • Our apartment.
  • Music.
  • Having nice co-workers and bosses.
  • Being in love.
  • Being a mommy.
  • Being alive.

Summertime drivin'
Mommy planks!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Peanut Butter Chicken

Yesterday, Maylene told me she was going to make supper:
May: "Mommy, I cook dinner for you!"
Me: "Oh yeah, whatcha making?"
May: "Chicken."
Me: "What kind of chicken?"
May: "Peanut butter chicken just for you!"
She knows me too well--combining two of my favorite things! Growing up, I actually did have friends who made a peanut butter chicken recipe all the time. Gonna have to look that up!

I had a pretty rough afternoon yesterday. May didn't take a nap and let's just sum it up by saying that she literally ran to the other side of Wal-Mart while screaming bloody murder. Then, when she threw a fit because she didn't want to sit in the cart as we were checking out, a stranger behind me in line loudly told another woman, "I just hate when people let their kids cry!" If only you knew, lady!
Anyway, I couldn't help but giggle when we were on our way home and I looked in the rear view and saw a sleeping Maylene, with her sunglasses on upside down.

Later, we were driving in the car again. Chatting and what not. I didn't realize that 'I Love It' by Icona Pop was playing quietly on the radio, but Maylene did because she said, "Mommy, she drive her car into a bridge and she don't care. She don't even care!" She was very concerned.
Looks like we'll be listening to Mozart and Singing in the Rain show tunes from now on...

Last evening, we went for a four mile walk on the Riverwalk with Emily. Go us, right?! It was perfect right by the river, nice and breezy. So, Em asked May if she likes any boys yet and May responded, "I not allowed to like boys!" Good answer, missy! She IS learning something from me.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Created a Meal!

Today, I cooked. This is kind of a big deal for me. I enjoy cooking but I tend to throw it on the bottom of my priority list. We like to go to Subway for dinner and I call it a day.

Okay, I guess I didn't really cook since it was a crockpot meal and it didn't require me to really do anything other than throw a bunch of things into a bowl. However! I did have to deal with one of these:

A squash. My first thought being what in the hale do I do with this thing. I then proceeded to peel it. During the peeling procedure, I managed to peel off a full layer of my thumb skin. I'll spare you the graphic photographs and just skip on over to the end result.

Turkey with wild rice, squash and cranberry. Actually pretty delicious! And easy! I truly outdid myself. Maylene wouldn't eat it and Jason is working late so I ate it alone. But that's besides the point.

Also, tonight when I snuggled May before she went to bed (yes it is only 7:30 and she is already asleep.. it was a long day) she softly whispered in my ear, "Mommy, you big and strong."
The 'big' I could do without. But, strong? I can dig it.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Meet the Mama

I won't bore you with too many details about myself since I get all of the excitement in my life from my darling daughter, Maylene and my charming boyfriend, Jason. I am a single mom of a two year old diva, a full time college student going to school for Web Development and a part-time library assistant at the college library. Because my current part-time job requires me to sit at a desk and stare into space for about 15 hours a week, I figured I would create a blog to take up my time and record my memories.

I'll try just about anything once and I am mediocre at most things. I attempt to cook and clean every once in a while but it usually just results in me sitting on the sofa eating bon-bons and watching soaps.

Seriously though, I thrive off of the little things in life that make me and my family happy every day. A sprinkly scoop of ice cream, an inspiring quote, a favorite song, a cheesy bite of pizza, a giggle from the backseat, a jog on a sunny day. This is my journey and these are my favorite things. Also, it is not a coincidence that I used food examples more than once. I kinda adore food. Even more so, I adore my life.

If you're seeking help

It always takes a lot of back and forth in my head before I finally work up the courage to post these things. Because we say, "end the ...