Wednesday, February 26, 2014


One of my classmates was giving a presentation today and he was talking about how he blocks all pictures of mothers with their babies on Facebook because he doesn't want to look at them. Then, right away pointed at me and said, "Sorry, no offense." Of course, the first thing I felt, naturally, was offended. I don't even know this kid, he's not my friend on Facebook. Am I that transparent?

Of course, as all of you know, I am that mom. Loud and proud. A constant stream in your newsfeed of daily toddler outfits, meals and activities. Though, I haven't stooped to bowel movement updates just yet.

This is my biggest struggle with being a 24 year old undergrad. I feel like I am surrounded by lots of kids who just don't get it. When I say "it," I mean what life is all about. I understand. By no means do I think that everyone is meant to have children or be a parent, especially if they're still in college. For me, the moment I got "it" was the moment I found out I was pregnant. It doesn't have to be that for everyone. It's just that moment when you realize life is about more than yourself.

There's this huge movement lately about being "selfish in your 20s" and "put yourself first" and blah blah blah. I am here to tell you that it's a bunch of crap.

Disclaimer: Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm completely selfish. I know it. I also put my wants and needs first all the time. I fail. Tons.

I am not writing this in order to say that I am the almighty perfection. If you don't like baby pictures, that's okay, you don't have to! I wasn't even much of a kid person before I had one. I just wish that I could relay to everyone (in the universe, ever) before they waste lots of time, that true life fulfillment is in finding that "thing." Finding that thing that goes beyond yourself. Affecting someone else's life. Whether it's being a parent or a doggy trainer (I didn't say it had to be a human life!) or tutoring or saying hi to that kid who doesn't have many friends or making a stranger's day.

Just, please, take it from the queen of selfishness, being selfish is never going to fulfill your life or give you lasting happiness. Life is too short to take too many years to realize this. Kindness and love--they're contagious! Spread it around. Don't belittle people just because they post a million pictures of their kid or cat or niece.

And if you are a parent, I am here to say: YOU GO, GIRL! or YOU GO, MAN! It is the most amazing gift. It has become so belittled. But what parents do, it's truly amazing. Teaching, inspiring, working, making so many sacrifices, molding these purest of little minds to become our future. It is my favorite thing about living and I'm gonna keep on shouting it to the world.

1 comment:

  1. I said it then and I'll say it now. I love all the pictures that you post. And I love that you take on so many responsibilities and pull it off so well. Seriously, you're inspiring <3


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