Monday, July 17, 2017

Don't Blink

As you probably noticed, I've been on a bit of a blogging hiatus. I've gone to write so many times and I have stopped myself. As a single mother and an empath, it is often my first instinct to turn to writing when life gets tough. Not because I think that I am unique in my hardships or because I want to focus on the negatives, but because I know that my struggles are what have shaped me. Strengthened me. Made me who I am and shown me what I am capable of. What's that thing they say? "A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor." Well, I believe it. Writing helps me see that.

It has been almost exactly one year since my last post and, in reflection, I've been thinking about what has changed. What hasn't. What got easier, and what became more challenging. Either way, it's been helpful to acknowledge that, even when it doesn't feel like it, I am evolving. I am growing as a person and a parent and I am not the same mom that I was a year ago or five years ago.

My baby May isn't a baby anymore. I look at her and all of the cutie baby chub is officially gone. Just a few months away from 1st grade and it feels impossible, surreal.

It feels like yesterday I was lying in the operating room sobbing tears of joy, "let me see her, let me see her!" At the same time, I truly don't remember what life felt like before motherhood. I don't remember the way my heart loved or the way my soul experienced life. Of course it changed me, but I truly can't remember what it felt like to not love like this. Worry like this. Ache like this. Grind like this. Sleep (or not) like this. Care like this. All of that, but mostly love.

A fun little side note and tidbit about me, if you don't already know, is that I love quotes. I have a quotation mark tattoo on my back and I love that it confuses the hell out of people. The words, wisdom and experiences of others have always inspired me and stuck with me in a special way. Plus, I'm not always so eloquent, so I'm also a firm believer that "Someone else has already said it best." (American History X reference ftw!).

One of my favorite quotes that I read this past year is, "Motherhood: the days are long, but the years are short. Don't blink." There are few things I relate to more. Sometimes the reality of those words feel painfully true, and sometimes they feel wonderfully true. The days fly by and you don't even notice. You get to see your child growing, learning, evolving, changing, becoming. Who they are and who they are meant to be. But you also get to reflect on your shortcomings and failures as a parent. So many days I took the "lazy way" out. So many times I should have played with those stuffed animals on the bedroom floor before she grew out of them.

Parenthood is full of regret. For me it is, anyway. But I am learning too. It doesn't have to be a bad thing. My regrets have fueled growth. My shortcomings have sparked change. My failures have humbled me: I am not perfect, I will never be. But every single day I am trying. That is life. That is human. And that is the most important reminder of all: parents are still [just] humans.


If you're seeking help

It always takes a lot of back and forth in my head before I finally work up the courage to post these things. Because we say, "end the ...